About Finca Los Tres Hermanos

You won’t find Cerro Tocvil, a misty mountain in Guatemala’s Costa Sur, on a map or in any web search. If you traverse one its verdant arroyos for a few miles though, you will stumble upon Los Tres Hermanos, a finca (farm) that has bounced back from abandonment and disease to become a thoughtful new grower of coffee and chocolate. Every day in the pleasantly mild climate of San Marcos, owner Yohary Begonia Paz de Cardenas heads out to her land where she grows two varieties of coffee in soil sustainably fed by organic waste. Her beans are remarkable not just in flavor, however, but also as a vehicle of community change.

At home, Yohary serves as a powerful role model for her three sons, after whom the farm is named. In her town, she takes on the just as important role of mentor for other indigenous women in her community. Yohary works as an organizer, teacher, and treasurer in addition to her daily farmer duties. She hopes her example will inspire the women in her collective to step past machismo (toxic masculinity) and their own preconceptions of their family roles.

“I want women to leap forward, rid their fears and thrive as coffee cultivators. Harmony and cooperation happen when men and women work together in both the house and the field.”

Yohary’s farm is still young, but the land and her determination carry the potential to make it an exceptional grower of beans suited to your needs. By purchasing Finca Los Tres Hermanos’ coffee, you are helping Yohary spark a multiplier effect in San Marcos by funding primary school education for girls, encouraging sustainable development, and powering a pioneering movement toward equality and respect for the women in her community.

Farm Specs

SIZE: 1.9 manzanas (approx. 4.8 acres)

ALTITUDE: 650 - 700 masl

VARIETAL: Cautai and Catimor


FLAVOR PROFILES: Chocolate, Berries, Nuts

LOCATION: Nuevo Progreso, Guatemala



Contact Information:

Phone Number: +502 5614 2270

Email: yobegonia@hotmail.com